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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

A Viewer Writes: NEW Cameras in Ocean City

There is one set that takes pictures of license tags and tries to match the numbers to crime databases. These have moved into place over the last several years. It’s the reason kids driving a stolen vehicle, etc. get pulled over. There is a brand new set that records videos on the Town buses (maybe 8 each?).

Should you drive a car into Ocean CIty brandishing a tag that appears in come crime database (stolen tags, people of interest, etc), you WILL be pulled over. The new cameras on the bus will record EVERYTHING that occurs on the bus. If the driver wants to pick his nose, there is no longer that privacy. If a passenger wants to yell or attack the bus driver, you’re history.

Soon, the town won’t even need OCPD.


  1. That's it! I'm done with OC. I'm spending my money somewhere I can pick my nose anonymously.

  2. But you all love technology, you all love being recorded and tracked... Remember????? You didn't oppose any of this or fight it or help stop it so you all must love it to death!!!!

    I told you this is the mark of the breast, soon it will be like the UK where is not one centimeter of any area not covered by at least 5 cameras... And if you think that is bad, wait until the cops and everyone has drones flying over... Wait for them to record you handing someone something 2 years ago, and they claim it was a drug deal... and wham-o... Wait until all airports have that RFID tracking bull crap that you can't enter or leave the airport without it... Wait until Maryland gets rid of all of their cash tolls, OH WAIT they are currently doing that now!!! How are you going to pay the toll, if all you have or use is cash and no credit card???

    Wait until Walmart and other stores goes 100% cashless and cashiers and have nothing but self checkouts... or like amazon is doing, no pay stores...

    Wait until Maryland is like California where they track you and will soon make you pay per mile you drive your car!!!!! Oh it is coming to Nazi Maryland sooner than later...

    But remember one thing, you all let it happen, you wanted it to happen by letting it happen, and you all must love, and want all of this crap for letting it happen... Oh but as long as you have your new 800 smart phone right???

    Oh but I forgot, you all are stupid!!! eating tide pods, using fidget spinners which is nothing but a damn ball bearing...

  3. Not wise to spread the details. Objective is to catch the crooks - not to warn them.

  4. There really should be a nose-picking pause button.

  5. Not all of the 300,000 people that come to the family resort every year are nice people. If this helps with crime and drug dealing so be it.

  6. Mighty fine addition to protect us. That is the job of government. We all pick our nose, don't worry about it.

  7. Don't be so concerned about camera's and drones 10:19. Haven't you seen the photo's that police provide for the public to help identify a wanted subject. Heck, you can't even tell if the person is black, white, brown, or yellow. Not along fat or thin.
    Maybe kick back a little and take the whole pill the doctor prescribed, instead of breaking it into.

  8. The more cameras the better. I abide by the laws and have nothing to fear.
    Imagine if your child was kidnapped and the police located the car with your child using of these cameras. You would be glad the cameras were there.

  9. 10:19 you've only scratched the surface. people have no idea what type of surveillance they are currently subject to!

  10. O cean
    C ounty
    M uniciple
    D etrntion

  11. The public space is one in which you have, by definition, no right to privacy.

  12. Really, 7:12?

    Then why do the police beat and kill citizens for recording THEM in public?? AND CONFISCATE private property from innocent citizens for recording them??
    Uh huh.
    Another cheerleader for Two Sets of Laws. Just to make the rest of us sure you aren't building bombs in your house, we're going to put a camera in your house. Several in fact. You don't mind, right? You aren't doing anything wrong.
    The old "If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you don't need to worry" routine. Stupid, shortsighted, and so, so wrong.
    Same thing the Jewish leaders said to their citizens about the German authorities. Who then killed 6 million of them and stole everything they had.
    OUR police (USA cops) robbed American citizens for over ......wait for it......SIX BILLION DOLLARS. Just last year alone. No charges, no trial. Think about that for a moment. Your government and it's armed agents, 11:07, "protecting us".
    And keep cheering.


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