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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Maryland Schools


For the last 2 weeks my child has been wasting, yes wasting classroom instruction time on this bs. Time for Hogan to address the heavily union controlled school boards in maryland to stop wasting my/our tax dollars on this bs! And meanwhile the county boe claims they need more funding? So who’s making out on this deal? Definitely not my daughter or you/me the taxpayer!

Interesting article addressing this attached!



  1. Dems kids need to go to gun free zones.

    Rep kids need to go to armed teacher zones.

  2. High school kids are actually watching entire movies and playing board games during classes.

  3. Public schools are fast becoming a total free for all. Only voluntary or after school programs and activities show any success. There are elements of society that just do not want to be taught anything and have zero respect for themselves or anyone else. The liberals are deliberately NOT educating children.

  4. If you don't like it, send your kid to private school.

  5. I am so glad that I am sending my child to private school. She can get a good education without all the distractions and the bs and bad behaviors are not tolerated. It’s sad that this is the only way for kids to get a good education...

  6. I am a teacher at a local high school. The teachers and unions have nothing to do with testing. We hate it more than the kids. If you don't like the testing go to the state and federal level. If you think it is bad now wait till you see what's coming. The state has about double the number of tests coming.

  7. Funny now east salisbury school is charging the parents and relatives 7$ a peice just to see there kids in talent show at school we pay taxs for and then one teacher tells my daughter there doing this because school is broke


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