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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

3 Revelations From New York Times Reporter’s Book on Hillary Clinton

New York Times reporter Amy Chozick’s new book on her time covering Hillary Clinton doesn’t show either her employer, The New York Times, or Clinton herself in a particularly flattering light.

Chozick, a member of the largely female press corps that followed Clinton on a near-daily basis at times, crisscrossing the country with her, reported on Clinton’s 2008 campaign for The Wall Street Journal and her 2016 campaign for The New York Times. And in “Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling,” Chozick talks about what it was really like.

I’ve assembled three of the revelations I found most interesting. But first, a couple of caveats: I’m not familiar with Chozick’s reporting for the Times, so all my assessments are based on a reading of the book itself. And secondly, Chelsea Clinton is already alleging Chozick got facts wrong, although Chozick is pushing back, noting her book was reviewed by a fact-checker.

Now to dive in …


1 comment:

  1. Save your money and time. Here's the Cliff Notes:

    A whiny, self-focused woman followed a whiny, self-focused woman around the country for an extended period of time, and got paid on a regular basis. Wrote a whiny, self-focused book about the experience.

    The End


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