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Saturday, April 07, 2018

They Take the Second Amendment First and the First Amendment Second

We have talked a lot about the liberal assault on our right as American citizens to keep and bear arms for the defense of ourselves, our families, our communities, and our Constitution, but it is a mistake to think of a disarmed population as their desired end-state. No, that’s merely the first step toward the subjugation of the Normals. What they want is not only for us to be disarmed, but to be silenced.

They are not going to stop with the Second Amendment. Next, they are going to move to finish off the First Amendment.

They don’t want you to speak freely.

They don’t want you to have access to a free press.

They don’t want you to practice your religion as you see fit.

And when you are disarmed and silenced, and you are stripped of any god but government – the government they control absolutely and forever – then they will have achieved their dream. You will no longer be a citizen; you will be a serf.

We can imagine what an America without our rights would look like,and it is really bad.

Oh, that’s crazy talk.

Really? Let’s look across the ocean and see what’s happening there. The British have kindly given us a preview. They allowed themselves to be disarmed, but why would they need guns? Britain is totally safe – except London just stumbled past New York in terms of violent crime. Oh, and it has an epidemic of knife violence. And acid attacks. But on the plus side, the decent people are helpless.

In the view of the elite, that is a plus. When you are helpless, you need them, and you are compliant.



  1. The article is absolutely correct.There will be no 1st Amendment,without the 2nd Amendment.

  2. There is already a minimized free press - the dumbocrats control the mainstream media already!

  3. There would be NO Amendments without the 2nd Amendment, nor would there be a Constitution. It all goes away with the same move.

    That's why they want it GONE.


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