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Saturday, April 21, 2018

There’s “unusual surveillance activity” around D.C. and senators want answers

In a story straight out of Spy vs Spy, unusual cellular activity has been detected around Capitol Hill, and now four U.S. Senators want some answers.

A bipartisan group of senators sent a letter to Homeland Security asking for details about the cellular activity. The surveillance activity is akin to so-called stingrays that are used by law enforcement agencies to trick suspects’ cellphones into revealing their locations,according to Reuters.

Last month, the Department of Homeland Security revealed that it had “observed anomalous activity in the National Capital Region that appears to be consistent with International Mobile Subscriber Identity catchers.” It claimed not to know who was behind the use of the surveillance devices.



  1. Check out Obamas home he had to get as close to the White House as he could possibly move to, wants to be still in that 15 minutes of fame and attention.

  2. 9:23 even worse check out what car this "man of the people" bought his daughter .

  3. These people know no authority. No one knows who they are or who they answer to....and you can't stop cheering. Because your dumb ace thinks you aren't doing anything wrong. lol.

    Even Senators are under secret surveillance and no one has to tell them anything when they ask questions.
    You think "we, the people" stand a chance?

    The ONLY way to fix this growing Nazi regime, where unelected nobodies and nameless bureaucrats turn the screws on American citizens, rob and steal from us, and enrich themselves, persecute and prosecute their enemies using official powers, use military tech on civilians, ignore laws, and tell us that shooting a 11 year old kid is normal and a "good shoot", is to hang them all and start again.
    I'm telling you --- its the ONLY way.
    They want you to continue to believe that you have a voice. You can vote. You can change things.
    No, you can't.
    You might be allowed an occasional victory (they don't want to create hopelessness -- that is a sure cause for revolution), but the tide is washing over the dike.
    Buy guns and ammo. All you can get.

    Keep cheering.


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