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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Truth About The "Multicultural" Invasion Of Sweden

Immigration is an issue that causes tempers to flare. Many Americans want our borders to be firmly closed to outsiders, especially if those outsiders are brown. Having lived in and been welcome in another country, and having brought my children to the United States, obviously, I’m pro-immigration.

But only to a point.

We had to jump through a lot of expensive hoops to legally be in the countries where we moved. I don’t think that the hoops should be as expensive as they are, but I definitely believe that some requirements must exist. We can’t allow an unchecked influx to upturn our culture.



  1. I know a wonderful local Indian family. Public servants, hard workers. They paid the US government $40K to legally immigrate here. Why not just jump the border instead since liberalism is a mental disease?

  2. Obama's auntie is still here illegally in NYC, living in subsidized housing, getting federal and state assistance.

    1. She needs to be deported TRUMP

  3. No, she's not. She died in Boston in 2014, still battling to stay in the US after her visa ran out years and years before.

  4. 6:26 lol sure ya do

    1. Yup, i do. Nice try, though.

      Can you imagine spending all that money and then seeing what dems do to protect illegals.

      Oh, and get out of mommys basement more. There are interesting people out there.

  5. I doubt those who are for open borders leave the doors to their houses unlocked at all times.


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