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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The New Treatment for Opioid Addiction: Marijuana

The price of medical marijuana could fall dramatically for some patients by mid-summer. And the drug will soon be used to treat opioid withdrawal in Pennsylvania, which will become the second state after New Jersey to allow it for that purpose.

At a news conference in Harrisburg, Secretary of Health Rachel Levine said she had approved the sale of cannabis flower, the traditional smokable or vaporizable form of the plant.

"It's another tool," Levine said. "The whole idea of this program is to provide another tool in the toolbox of physicians to treat these conditions."

Since the launch of the state medical marijuana program in February, dispensaries in Pennsylvania have sold only pricey marijuana oils and extracts. Flower, also known as leaf or bud, needs no processing and is less expensive to produce.

"For some patients, the cost of their medical marijuana could drop by 50 percent with the addition of flower," said Chris Visco, owner of TerraVida Holistic Centers, a chain of dispensaries with shops in Sellersville and Abington. "It offers the lowest price per milligram of THC, the active ingredient."



  1. If this saves lives wonderful. I understand how people could be against this but I also know that with nothing for withdrawal like THC more people innocent people will die. A guy needs money to recover and without a plan..he just takes a job....like driving a school bus. Please have an open mind for withdrawal.

  2. Patients can grow their own once the strain that works best for them is identified and seeds produced. All that's needed then is dirt, water and sunlight.

    But, noooooo, the government has to get involved, licenses have to be issued and somebody has to make a bunch of money.

  3. I my entire life I was brainwashed that marijuana was a gateway drug? Growing up teachers made us watch videos on it and how evil the drug was. CLINTONS made it a felony and one use made a person unable to be in law enforcement. Now however it's totally ok?

  4. 12:11 maybe for someone as weak minded as you.

  5. 9:11 AM - It was never a major social issue (like alcoholism was and still is) until government made it one in the 1930's, targeting racial stereotypes.


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