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Friday, April 06, 2018

TAXPAYERS SCREWED: 'Drunk Judge' Shows Up 1 Of 214 Workdays, Gets Pay Raise. Defends It In Video Rant, Calls Media 'Racist'

"You're mad because I'm a young minority getting paid."

In the words of the imitable Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation, "It's never too early to learn that the government is a greedy piglet that suckles on a taxpayer's teat until they have sore, chapped nipples."

Clearly exemplifying the spirit of this truth is Rochester City Court Judge Leticia Astacio, oftendubbed "drunk judge" by local media and Rochesterians. Ms. Astacio, effective April 1, received a state taxpayer-funded pay raise of $11,000 — bringing her salary to a whopping $187,200 — after she worked only one of 214 days.



  1. She has a doctor's note. End of story. (not really)

  2. How do you keep your job as a judge with a dwi conviction, 2 counts of vop? How is she being paid almost 200k sitting in jail. Her dr noet covered her for being in jail?? No doubt a alcoholic!!

  3. Typical "black lives matter" a parasite who feeds off other people. Has done nothing to "earn" her salary, but has the attitude of entitlement. First to call injustice or racism, but only follows her rules. She should be removed from the courts and made to pay back her unearned salary. Another disgrace to society.

  4. Conduct unbecoming of a public and or elected official. There, immediate firing, case closed on this nutjob!

    $187,200 - are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Another ex-Mayor Barry of DC. She wants a statue of her in Baltimore.

  6. Piece of garbage.

  7. 75% of the people like her give the other 25% a bad rap!

  8. Typical behavior...nuff said!


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