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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Study reveals sobering news on how much you should be drinking

Here’s some sobering news: A large international study says adults should average no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and that means drinking guidelines in many countries may be far too loose.

The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.

“What this is saying is, if you’re really concerned about your longevity, don’t have more than a drink a day,” said David Jernigan, a Johns Hopkins University alcohol researcher who was not involved in the study.



  1. Those who down more than 7 drinks a week are happier.

  2. I work Wicomico County I drink 15-20 drinks a day.

  3. I've known a lot more older drunks than older doctors 😁


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