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Monday, April 23, 2018

Steve Hilton: Drain The Swamp -- Trump should fire Scott Pruitt

It became one of the best-known chants on the 2016 campaign trail, and a powerful symbol of Donald Trump’s insurgent, anti-establishment campaign: “Drain The Swamp!”

The chant caught on because it captured something that everyone feels, even if they’re not familiar with specific examples: that for decades now, public policy in America has been distorted to favor the interests of the rich, the well-connected and the insiders.

This is elitism and it has been America’s ruling ideology regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats have held power in the White House, Congress or state capitols.

What a betrayal of the world’s oldest democracy, founded on that most beautiful political principle: people power. Despite the Constitution and the institutions it underpins, who would claim that American democracy today serves “we the people?”

Instead, our democracy serves The Swamp. Political legitimacy comes not from votes, but from money and influence.

As I wrote in my book “More Human: Designing a World Where People Come First”: “America, where the rich and powerful literally buy the outcomes they want from the political system, is no longer in any proper sense of the word a democracy, it is a donocracy.”

But The Swamp is about more than corrupt politicians and their donors. Much of the policy that affects our lives is not made in Congress or state legislatures but in the dreary offices of administrative agencies without even the pretense of democratic accountability.

Anonymous bureaucrats make countless decisions that seem dispassionately technocratic to them, but are make-or-break for those directly affected.



1 comment:

  1. Scott Pruitt is doing a GREAT job for America and it's citizens. This is the First time we've had a leader in the God Forsaken Agency; an agency that went WAY outside it's bounds and parameters. Pruitt has made 'some' mistakes, BUT most reported by the news were NOT reported correctly. The LEFT, DEMS and Communists would LOVE to have him fired. President Trump is getting much pressure to do so and he might, but I hope he does not...


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