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Monday, April 16, 2018

Sessions Blasts Sanctuary Cities Over MS-13

Attorney General Jeff Sessions called out Baltimore for its sanctuary city policy Tuesday, claiming city leaders are only helping to facilitate criminal activity by dangerous gangs like MS-13.

The comments came as Sessions and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen appeared in Baltimore to discuss recent efforts to combat MS-13, an international criminal organization with more than 10,000 members across the U.S. Sessions was asked whether he views Baltimore as a sanctuary city during a press conference following his speech.

“We know MS-13 in the region here is responsible for a quite a number of the most brutal murders,” Sessions told reporters. “I see no justification whatsoever for any city, any jurisdiction, any state, to take the view that someone who enters the country illegally and then commits some other crime should be protected from federal law to be deported. I feel very strongly about that.”



  1. US Code 8 Sec. 1324 Makes these so called "Sanctuary City" crap a felony to be involved in any part of hiding, giving aid, or harboring an illegal alien.

    1. Like I have said before, those who voted and support it should be charged with aiding and abetting known criminals, quit screwing around and enforce our laws! If I as a private citizen did the same I would be sitting in jail and paying out my life to attorneys!!


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