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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Parents rally against public school sex-ed over pro-choice, gay rights ideas

“Mom, you won’t believe what my teacher’s talking about right now.”

That is the text message Regina Young, a parent in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, said she received from her seventh-grade daughter one day.

“Before I could even respond to her text,” Ms. Young said, “she told me how uncomfortable she was to hear her teacher tell stories about her transgender home.”

Ms. Young was just one parent who participated Monday in the Sex Ed Sit Out, an international demonstration to protest what rally organizers say is a campaign by pro-choice and gay rights organizations to force their ideologies on children through public education.

The movement began among parents in Charlotte, North Carolina, but spread to 16 cities in four countries in the months leading up to the event. According to the Sit Out’s website, rallies were also held in Calgary, Alberta; Mulgrave, Australia; Bloomington, Indiana; and London.

For the Sit Out, parents were asked to pull their children out of school for the day, accompanied by a note to the principal explaining the absence as a protest against “pornographic” sex education.

It’s the latest culture war to be fought on the grounds of America’s public schools, closely following national walkouts against guns and abortion.

More here


  1. READY FOR SCHOLL VOUCHERS YET??? GET IT ON THE BALLOT IN MD. and yes im shouting this...

  2. I appreciate the rally but they need to go after individuals in their homes...They should have to live in fear as they make parents live in.


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