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Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Jersey Blames Other States For Their Gun Woes

Did you know that the problems the state of New Jersey is having with gun-related crime are none of New Jersey’s fault? Not a one.

No, it seems that New Jersey’s tough anti-gun laws that take away rights from law-abiding people while doing nothing to stop actual criminals are just fine. It’s all the states that don’t buy into that line of bovine excrement that are to blame.

At least, that’s what some in New Jersey seem to think.

Three of every four traceable guns recovered by authorities in New Jersey are purchased in states with weaker gun laws.

That’s according to an analysis by The Record and NorthJersey.com of federal firearms trace data and a gun-law score card published by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

The firearms trace data were compiled by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, between 2012 and 2016. The figures include guns used in crimes or found by authorities but not tied to specific crimes.

Some 40 percent of the firearms successfully traced during that period came to New Jersey via the so-called Iron Pipeline, made up of Southern states along the I-95 corridor with comparatively lax gun regulations.

An additional 16 percent were traced to Pennsylvania, which requires background checks for private sales of handguns but not rifles and other long guns.



  1. Blame Eric Holder LOCK HIM UP.

  2. So, once again, it's the guns' fault. They must have hitchhiked up to Jersey!

  3. AND! They will lock up a mother of three who has a CCW from a different State because she is not allowed to carry in NJ. Remember that folks?

  4. They failed to mention what percentage of these guns from out of NJ. were purchased legally by the criminal. Sounds like NJ criminals drive south on 95 to say VA. or GA. purchase their weapon of choice legally the drive back home to commit mayhem. Me thinks not. Heck if they left Jersey and went south why would they go back when they realized what a sh!!hole Jersey is.


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