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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Netflix Film Champions Carlton Pearson, Who Said God Sends No One to Hell, Contradicting Clear Message of Jesus

Last week, Netflix released a drama about Carlton Pearson, a black minister and former bishop who rejected the doctrine of hell. He preached universalism, that all people will be saved and go to heaven. The movie, "Come Sunday," recounts Pearson's rejection of hell and his church's rejection of him, presenting his universalism as a superior doctrine, despite the fact that it contradicts biblical teaching from Jesus Himself.

"The God that we worship, from the parts of this Bible that we focus on, that God is a monster," Chiwetel Ejiofor, who plays Pearson in the movie, declares at a pivotal point. "If we’re really saying that God sends billions of people to burn in hell for eternity for missing the mark, or missing the point, or being born someplace else, well that God is a monster, that God is worse than Hitler, that God is worse than Saddam Hussein." This is blasphemy, but it is also supporting a heresy.



  1. God doesn't send anyone to hell, he lets them live in a country ruled by Dictators, Liberals, Democrats, or brutal kings.

  2. Correct, 108! Heaven and hell are right here on earth. Hell is living as a drug addicted criminal strung out in a jail cell and Heaven is me living my fabulous life!

    This "preacher" just doesn't get it.

  3. Deny the truth for the sake of your own soul. The book is the truth.We all have free will. Thank the Lord we probably wont be seeing him in paradise? But who am i to judge

  4. The Way, the Truth, and the Life
    5“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” 6Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”…

    There are so many scriptures that Explain that ALL must be born again of the Spirit. These words are from God; not man. God has made a way for ALL to be 'born again', so there's no excuse...IF you read the Bible in it's entirely (the whole council of God, precept upon precept) you too will understand.

    God sends NO ONE to Hell. We make our own choices and God says every man has a 'freewill'...
    Chose you this day who you will serve...All serve either God or Satan. If your Father is not God, it is Satan. Your choice is to be 'born again' or to continue to live without Jesus, God's Son and live for the world...Again; everyone has a choice to make.

  5. @1:02

    Actually, the one of the main reasons Christians become Atheist is because they actually take the time to read the whole Bible.

    And, do you believe God has a plan? If so, yes, he does send people to hell.

    Do men have free will? If one has no chance of changing what has been predetermined, how can that person have free will? One simply cannot choose to believe in what they can not believe in. You either believe or you don't.... you cannot choose to. Even if someone tries... according to the powers of your deity... it would see into the true heart.. right? One cannot choose.

    I think you might want to take some time and really go back and think critically about this. God "hides" himself to ensure that our free will stays in tact.. divine hideness as it were. You you say you know that God exists? And, given such knowledge... does that mean you no longer have free will? The free will argument is a red herring distraction that makes little sense. Satan for sure knows that god exists... does he have free will.

    Does your God have free will? If so, he could have created ANY universe he saw fit. You say he loves us all, and want's us all to go to heaven, and none to suffer hell... but he did not create that universe. If God has free will.. then by DEFAULT God is sending all those who go to hell directly there.

  6. 1;59 is back at it, trying to refute what he doesn't understand.

  7. One must confess the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    On Judgement Day: EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tongue will confess the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Any more questions?

    Hell is for Satan and his demons.
    thank you


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