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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Neill Franklin: Don’t let Maryland return to a failed crime strategy

Neill Franklin spent 23 years with the Maryland State Police and 11 with the Baltimore Police Department, where he was commander of the education and training division and the bureau of drug and criminal enforcement.

In its closing weeks, the Maryland legislature tried to rush through a truly harmful crime bill. Known as the Hogan-Zirkin crime package, it included regressive policies that represent a failed approach to public safety by relying on long sentences. That may sound appealing, but long sentences don’t make communities safer.

The Comprehensive Crime Bill of 2018, introduced by state Sen. Robert A. Zirkin (D-Baltimore County), passed the Senate quickly this past legislative session, but, thankfully, it stalled in the House.

It should not be reintroduced next year.



  1. pass a no probable cause law so everyone that legitimately buys a weapon they can have the right to carry. When you buy MD requires a background check. This way the criminals will not know who is carrying and who is not. Less crime since they don't want to be shot.

  2. Dave T: Seems like Larry Hogan has proven time again to be truly worthless. The only "common sense" I see attached to his so called legislation is a lack of it. You reap what you sow Mr. Hogan, if you have enough sense to even understand what that means.

  3. Neill Franklin and Ed Lashley, two people who affirmative action pushed through the ranks of MSP. Neither one has sense enough to shut up and collect their pension. Everyone knows how and why they rose through the ranks. Everyone, that is, except them. They truly believe they earned it. Fools

  4. Lashley will be getting 2 pensions from Maryland State. One from MSP and one from SU, MD University System. He fudges the crime stats on SU Campus crime ever since he took over SU Police.

  5. Neil Franklin is a major disgrace to all law enforcement officers who currently wear or have ever worn the uniform. It's not difficult to see that he is attempting to protect criminals of his own color.
    Furthermore, I have absolutely no idea who made the comment at 4:39 PM; however, the comment is 100% accurate. MSP was infamous for those practices and promotions.


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