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Thursday, April 05, 2018

MyPillow Ignores Liberal Outrage, Refuses to Pull Ads from Laura Ingraham’s Show

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has taken to Twitter to assure customers that he will not be pulling his advertising from Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show despite the liberal outrage over her feud with anti-gun Parkland kid David Hogg.

As one company after another rushed to announce an end to advertising on The Ingraham Angle, Lindell stepped forward to tell the world that he won’t abandon Laura.

In a tweet seemingly aimed at Sean Hannity, the company’s CEO and founder insisted, “I did not take my advertising down from @IngrahamAngle and @FoxNews, nor do I intend to. @seanhannity.”



  1. Dave T: Bravo Mr. Lindell, way to stick to your beliefs. It speaks well of your character at a time when society overall lacks a moral compass.

  2. A man true to his word. Rare in this day and age. I bought the pillows he advertises and they are all he claims them to be.

  3. Good man now I will buy some pillows.

  4. I "love" that weird guy in the bathroom mirror!!! But not in a homosexual way. And not that there's anything wrong with it.

  5. What feud? She spoke, he didn't like it, she apologized, he didn't accept. Is there more to the story?

  6. I have a neighbor who looks exactly like him.

  7. I was a little sick of seeing the commercials (along with many others). But now I welcome them. Nice to see a man that has the stones to do the right thing, instead of caving like so many. The advertisers that dropped out are punks like Hogg. Thank you Mr.Lindell

  8. 5:06--
    Hogg is trying to have all her advertisers boycotted.


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