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Friday, April 27, 2018

Mayor Tries To Address Violence By Telling Businesses When To Close

The city of Baltimore has a real problem. It's been suffering from a wave of violence for some time now. Residents of the city thought it was over. After all, the murder rate for the first three months of this year dropped significantly, undoubtedly a good sign.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

This month, the city has seen at least 29 murders as the violence surged yet again. This led Mayor Catherine E. Pugh to take to the streets to visit some local businesses. One of the exchanges recorded by the Baltimore Sun was a little concerning, though.

You see, Pugh stood inside of an area convenience store and asked what time the store closed. When the owner responded that they closed at 11:30, that wasn't good enough for Pugh.

"Isn’t that late?" the mayor reportedly responded. "That’s a little late. It keeps the crowds around here. Nine o’clock is nice. We need you-all to close at 9 o’clock at night."



  1. Again who cares. They vote for this so they deserve nothing more then to be wallowing in their cess pools of crime and poverty. They deserve for the businesses to close up so they have no access to goods. They love being slaves to the democrat plantation otherwise they would not overwhelmingly vote democrat. Democrats are racists who have for decades now herded up blacks and corralled them in the inner city ghettos with sub standard schools and no hope of ever getting out. But again they deserve it because elections have consequences. So they all need to sit down shut up and suck it up.

    1. You say who cares but Bmore is an example of what is happen with democratic leadership for long periods of time. The state is no exception.

  2. When you're a little business that takes in a quarter of its profits between 8 and 11 p.m., it's hard to close at 9.

  3. If they want to dictate to a business vs addressing the problem then maybe they need to be handing these business some cash to offset those losses for closing! I see see the fake mayor fake day doing that to the bury

  4. A lady in charge of a city , she thinks like a child , of course she is following in the footsteps of her predecessor another idiot .

  5. 7:12 Are you talking about Baltimore or Salisbury?

  6. The only thing that will help are tanks patrolling the streets.

  7. because she is so good at running their gubmint, she now dictates to the bour·geoi·sie

  8. Let the BLM kill each other. They all hate each other. Do you see whites killing each other like these idiots?? They talk about equality and diversity while they kill each other.

  9. For safety sake, everyone needs to be home behind locked doors before dark! The night creatures come out to feed and kill then.

  10. I guess if the corner store closes, the thugs will go home, read a little, and turn in early?


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