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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Luongo: "The Coup Is Complete - Trump Is Done"

If there is one thing the last 48 hours have proved to me, it’s this. Donald Trump is no longer acting President. The coup against Trump has been completed.

I’m going to keep this simple. Follow the dots and try to keep up.

1. The Deep State’s lies are being unraveled in real time thanks to the collective intelligence of the ‘internet’ and our ability to synthesize data in real time.

2. The Skripal poisoning and the latest Syrian “chemical weapons” attack share the same thing — both set government officials off rushing to judgment and action before any official investigation could debunk them.



  1. Either way, there will be much violence.
    This will not end well for anyone.
    There is much division in this country, even within families.
    It's just a matter of time before the next civil war starts.

  2. Would you rather have had Hillary and Bill in the White House?

    1. Even as much as I hate Hillary and Bill....yes. Trump is a liar, a juvenile, a buffoon. If his lips are moving, he’s lying. His idiotic Tweets show his ignorance. I don’t care where he went to school. He’s an uneducated clown.

  3. LOL Deep state lies? The man lies to your face over the dumbest stuff daily, yet you think the investigations are all make believe.

    1. Name one fn lie he has told. And back it up with facts not CNN bs. You are a fool. History will show you just how much of a fool you were. Keep following the herd. ๐Ÿ™„

  4. I always maintained that Mr Trump ran in order to make sure his good friend Hillary became POTUS.

    Then she died and the clones weren’t quite good enough to pull off the cover.

    So he HAD to move into the White House and play the role of POTUS. I’ll equipped and lacking a desire to play the role, he has undermined his Administration every step of the way.

    Terrible situation

  5. There comes a time to take up arms against tyranny...The Deep state is tyranny.

    1. And Facebook is Skynet. Blah blah blah.

  6. Our government is not what it seems. Lord knows where they will lead this country next. It's hard not to live everyday in fear. So much manipulation and lies, you can't believe anything anymore.

  7. 1249
    The Deep State is a worldwide network of Zionists and Freemasons.
    They have complete control of the US military, police, and most fire departments.
    They finance the campaigns of all Congress Critters and POTUS.

    Clue: research WHO is a Freemason and who is not.
    Then follow the campaign finance money . . .

    that is a start.

    Hint: International Banking Families (generational Zionists and Masons)

  8. I like president Donald Trump. He will overcome. Liberal lies, fake news, we the people deserve better.

  9. This article is leftist wishful thinking, but it's still hogwash. Trump is 110 yards downfield of all these idiots. When he says something the "republican Rinos" take as radical, they lead the left into leaking ceap and getting caught every day so Trump can have a reason to say "You're fired".

    He is not as stupid as you.

  10. 839
    He is not as stupid as you.

    He is a 32 degree freemason.
    All of his lawyers and father's lawyers are Chabad.
    He is a part of Chabad crime syndicate, and yes, they are extremely powerful in Russia.

    He is also an actor.

    Wake up.


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