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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Leading Surgeon Says Violence in Khan's London 'Like South Africa', Predicts 'Summer of Carnage'

London’s crime wave will develop into “carnage” come summer, a leading trauma surgeon has predicted, warning ultra-violence in the capital is “the new normal”.

Dr Martin Griffiths, a consultant surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust, said soaring knife and gun crime has resulted in London “looking more like South Africa, or inner-city U.S.” with regards to the rate of attacks.

“If it was hot weather right now, it would be carnage. When it gets a few degrees warmer, it’s going to be taxing. It’s going to be difficult,” he told The Times.

The doctor, who earlier this month revealed some of his military colleagues have likened the situation seen in London trauma wards to hospitals in Middle East warzones, said that treating young teenagers with life-threatening injuries had become “the bread and butter” of his work at the Royal London Hospital.



  1. Why are they surprised? They have been importing the third world into Britain for years. Serves them right.

    1. Yup England once a great nation now has over 200 Sharia courts.

  2. And the common denominator is...? Similar to Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit......
    what changed over the last few years to increase the violence in London? It has nothing to do with Meghan Markel.
    A violent population with a sympathetic, enabling mayor. Wow! That does sound like Baltimore and Chicago, doesn't it.

  3. GOOD they voted for him.

  4. There's nothing that says up close violence like a machete.


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