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Friday, April 20, 2018

Jordan Candler: 'Little Pink House': Putting a Spotlight on Government Abuse

A new movie hitting theaters this week tells of the saga that went all the way to the Supreme Court.

In 1997, Connecticut resident Susette Kelo purchased what became known as the “Little Pink House.” Located in the city of New London, Kelo, like many older-home buyers, exerted time and money bringing new life to the dilapidated house. But then the government invoked eminent domain as justification for literally destroying Kelo’s entire neighborhood. A new movie hitting theaters this week, “Little Pink House,” puts a spotlight on the egregious saga that went all the way to the Supreme Court, as well as the broader problem of the government’s powerful eminent-domain arm. Columnist Jeff Jacoby previewed the film in a recent column:

It recounts the true story of Susette Kelo … and her working-class neighbors in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood of New London, Connecticut, whose homes were seized by eminent domain to clear the way for an upscale private development at the behest of Pfizer, the Big Pharma colossus. The tiny band of homeowners, represented by idealistic lawyers from the Institute for Justice, fought their eviction all the way to the Supreme Court — and lost. In one of the most infamous decisions in its history, the court ruled, 5-4, that property owners can be stripped of their land whenever the government decides that a wealthier owner would put it to more lucrative use.



  1. This is a soul crushing story. And according to the report, 10+ years after they stole her house the lot is still empty.

  2. It will one day happen to all of the properties west of the drawbridge.

  3. And the sound of your cheering was absolutely deafening, especially from the cheerleaders who can't stop telling the rest of us that "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about".
    How absolutely STUPID they sound.....
    From the Gestapo searching your car because you weren't wearing your seat belt(!) and stealing (at gunpoint) all the money you have in your car (they don't even bother wearing a mask -- a BADGE is good enough)), to the SUPREME COURT (!!) telling poor Americans that yes, there ARE Two Sets of Laws and they don't really have any "rights".
    They MUST have been doing SOMETHING wrong, huh?
    According to the courts, being a serf was wrong enough for them.
    You might be next, but don't let that stop you.
    Keep cheering!

  4. Bottom line: We don't own land.

    We own real estate.

    Don't pay taxes? They take it.

    They want to do something else with the land? They take it.


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