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Thursday, April 19, 2018

James Comey's book falls as flat as its cover

The new memoir by James Comey, former FBI director, is light on new information but heavy on petty insults. It is being marketed by a typical rage-fest on President Trump's Twitter feed. A bestseller is guaranteed.

But Comey's name-calling makes for an unpersuasive condemnation of this presidency. It won't convince Trump supporters, or wavering conservatives, or Democrats (perhaps especially those who previously voted for President Barack Obama) to change their minds

Comey’s observations about Trump's orange-ness, his hand size, and the length of his tie, aren’t even original, let alone amusing except to that corps of haters who giggle at any show of disrespect to the chief executive. Perhaps the only impact they will have is to engender among disaffected conservatives a certain sympathy for a president whose substantive policies have been a pleasant surprise.



  1. It will be alongside Hillary's books at the Dollar store this summer.

  2. It's not even good as a doorstop.


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