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Friday, April 06, 2018

It’s Getting Harder for Democrats to Deny They’re the Party of Flat-Out Citizen Disarmament

“Karen Carter Peterson, chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party, has distinguished herself as the highest-profile Democrat in the country to outright call for a repeal of the Second Amendment,” The Advocate notes. “Last week, Peterson sent out a tweet with the words, ‘Repeal the Second Amendment.’ The tweet also linked to a New York Times column by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, arguing for a repeal of the Second Amendment.”

First of all, Peterson is more than a state politico. She’s Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

As for Stevens, his arguments fall apart simply by comparing them to what the Founders and past Supreme Court rulings have said. And while Stevens was a Republican nominee, he was not the first such “GOP justice” who betrayed the expectations of those who appointed him. William Brennan, Earl Warren, Warren Burger and David Souter all come to mind -- because they acted more like Democrats.

When it comes to guns, depriving the people of, as the Miller Court put it, “ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense,” and of what Tench Coxe called “the birthright of an American,” is part of the Democrat Party platform. Those “weapons of war” they want to ban (along with a host of other prior restraint infringements) are precisely what we’re entitled to have for reasons the Founders made clear.

There’s a federal so-called “assault weapon” ban out there that Democrat oath-breaker David Cicilline of Rhode Island has been trying to force down our throats for several years now—fortunately, it has never had more than a one percent chance of enactment, but significantly, it has gained 175 co-sponsors, all of them Democrats.

But what about so-called “pro-gun Democrats”? I maintain there is no such thing. Sure, you’ll get politicians in hunting country who appeal to the sport shooter crowd and have to vote a certain way in order to get elected—the Party allows for that so it can increase its power and influence and advance other agenda items. But when you get right down to it, not a one of them will oppose a nominee like Obama or Hillary for president or Sotomayor or Kagan for the Supreme Court, they all support the cultural terraforming of the country in order to gain Democrat voters, and they’ll even betray constituents on guns when it suits their purposes.

Remember A-rated “pro-gun Democrat” and gopher hunter Jon Tester? Remember what this phony “champion of the right to bear arms said when he sided with Bloomberg’s Everytown to deny “allowing” peaceable American gun owners to lawfully carry their firearms when doing business with post offices?

Or here’s another one: Chris Coster, whose “proven record of defending the Second Amendment” evidently included shilling for Hillary and rolling over for Obama executive orders on guns. And don’t get me started on “proven champion of the Second Amendment” Harry Reid, Joe Manchin, Kirsten Gillibrand...

I could do this all day. The ones who should have to are the paid staffers at NRA who convinced their members to vote for these frauds.

Admittedly, there is no shortage of Republican turncoats (and let's not forget that neocon George Will called for repeal decades ago). When I see them, I call them out. No matter how high up the food chain. That’s why I recommend never donating to the party, but only to individual candidates who have proven they mean what they say. By and large, when there’s a major push for citizen disarmament, the Republicans need to be managed to keep the herd from spooking and bolting, but the Democrats are the ones trying to start the stampede.

And their constituents are fine with that. Hell, they demand it.

“The vast majority of Democrats also support banning all semi-automatic weapons,” National Review reports. “More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment [and] Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.”

And that in turn “inspires” the media to offer advocacy essays like “Repeal the Second Amendment” and “More Democrats Should Be Calling for the Repeal of the Second Amendment.”

“Progressives” who haven’t thought through the logistics and the resistance that trying it would spawn evidently believe it’s simply a matter of getting enough votes.

"It's not a crazy idea," Christopher M. Norwood, J.D., Spokesman for the Democratic Black Caucus of Florida and a Democratic Executive Committee Member for Miami-Dade County insists.

Sure it is, Chris. You just haven't thought it through.

None of them have, because a repeal would not eradicate what the Hellercourt and the Cruikshank court before it recognized as a preexisting right, and some who view it as such will not go gentle into that good night.

1 comment:

  1. They are just out to win the argument they have been told to fight, poor bastions!

    They ignore what will happen when they finally wit the argument.

    Once we are all disarmed, will we have a First Amendment right when faced with a gun barrel or shut up?

    Will we have a right to not be searched in our homes by the "Authorities" for anything they want to call "contraband"? (4A)

    will we have any defense of the government violating any of our other Amendments?

    Will we be allowed to "vote" for a candidate of our choice, or will the votes be "counted" by those left with the guns?

    If there ever comes a time when there are just too many people here to feed and medically take care of, will we be able to fend for ourselves, or will we be served Ebola?

    Progressives never go down this path to see the results of winning their argument, they just need to win.

    Which, in reality, is losing.


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