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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hillary To Be Star Of 2018 GOP Strategy

The Republican plan for the 2018 midterms is not good news for failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Fox News reports that Hillary is “starring” in their strategy.

“We’re going to make them own her,” Republican National Committee spokesman Rick Gorka told Fox News.

Republicans are planning to marry Democrats to Hillary Clinton and force the party to be associated with their failed nominee.



  1. There's really nothing that's changed with the Democratic Party since 2016 (and way beyond). Same politicians, same strategies, same alleged causes. The party will OWN Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and, particularly, Hillary Rodham Clinton for years to come. No one should forget who they are and how they all operate.

  2. Anyone who donates $$ to this party needs a reality check.


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