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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Here's why that professor dancing on Barbara Bush's grave shouldn't be fired

Former first lady Barbara Bush died on Tuesday night at the age of 92 — only two days after it was announced she would forgo further medical treatment and receive comfort care.

She leaves behind a memorable legacy in which she spearheaded programs to reduce illiteracy in America, in addition to being actively involved in the campaigns of her husband, former President George H.W. Bush. Yet, some liberals seem keen on dancing on the former first Lady's grave instead.

Take Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar. Following the news of Bush's death, Jarrar called her a "racist," who "raised a war criminal," referring to her son, former President George W. Bush.

Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. Fuck outta here with your nice words.— Randa Jarrar (@randajarrar) April 18, 2018

Instead of reprimanding Jarrar, Fresno State University President Joseph Castro released a statement that stopped well short of a condemnation.



  1. Firing her makes her a martyr. Letting her keep talking and making an ass out of herself only helps trump in the long run. Let her keep talking. Put her on the view. Let her get her own show on MSNBC. The more this idiot talks the more liberal piss holes will lose in the next election. She is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to MAGA

  2. Freedom of speech works both ways.

  3. That response exemplifies the dumbocrat double-standard. They want people fired for expressing opposing views - but not fired for expressing their views!

  4. This is correct, she should not lose her job, but college applicants and their parents, now aware of the teaching clientele employed at the college should make their college choices accordingly.


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