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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Help Support Salisbury Womens Rugby

Salisbury University Women's Rugby Football Club has grown enormously since its inception in 1993. Our team continually faces many challenges brought on by lack of funding from the university. Rugby is considered a "club" sport, meaning we receive minimal monetary contributions from the school. However, our lack of money has not stopped us from competing at the highest level.

After receiving a wild card bid to playoffs, our first match was in Charleston, SC. Our team took two 15 passenger vans, filled them each entirely, and drove the 9 hours to South Carolina. In order to save money that we would need to help with flights in the event we made it to the final four (and we did!), 23 of us stayed in a teammates condo. We had girls doubling up in beds, sleeping on air mattresses, and sleeping on the floor. After defeating the University of Charleston, we made it into the sweet 16 at ECU on April 21-22. We defeated George Washington University, 95-10, making it into the elite 8. We then defeated UNC-Charlotte by a landslide, 68-0, punching our ticket to the final four in California.

Our trip to California will cost our team around $20,000. Salisbury University hosted a giving day not too long ago, which helped take some of the burden off, but we are still in need of the majority of the funding required to get to the final four.

Out of any Salisbury Women's Rugby team that has played, our current group of girls hold the highest chances at actually winning a national championship. The chemistry, trust, and family this team has built is unbelievable. We would love, more than anything, to represent Salisbury University, the city of Salisbury, and all the wonderful people that have supported us, in California as we take a USA Collegiate Rugby National Title.

If you would like to help support our road to nationals, please follow the link below. Any donation is greatly appreciated and tax deductible.

Women's Rugby


  1. It’s great seeing a club team go around and beat well supported D1 and D2 schools.

  2. If the faculty wasn't so left wing anti - American I would support the school more and this effort...But good luck lady's.

  3. Tell em' get a job!!! That's how I support my recreation activities!!!!

  4. Kudos and congratulation for a great job. I This goes to show you how much SU is supportive of all their athletes. Only a few gets honors and the rest gets , as Pelosi would say. the crumbs. SU will want to get the credit and use as recruiting by shoving these Ladies to the wolves. By the way Day wants to waste money on promoting Salisbury, this is a great way. I forgot he can't get any credit. They should go as an independent team and their donations would sky rocket. Very few agree with the direction has gone in the last 10 years with their liberal agenda and a lot of the Alumni has quit donating to the SU Foundation. These Ladies deserve the money from the Foundation since they give away free scholarships, mostly to other athletes.

  5. 10:10 I'm sure that the business professors at the Perdue School of Business are all "left wing anti - American".

  6. Does anyone recall a championship SU mens rugby team back in the late 80's or early 90's?


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