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Friday, April 27, 2018

Happy 4/20? How marijuana legalization is ruining the unofficial stoner holiday.

The legendary pot-judging contest called the Cannabis Cup has somehow managed to flourish under prohibition. Maybe because prohibition was relatively simple.

High Times magazine brought the gathering to at least one U.S. city each year for most of this decade, even when recreational pot was illegal in all 50 states.

Local opposition was hardly an obstacle then. The cup drew thousands to a Detroit jazz club in 2011, even though suspicious police officers repeatedly intruded on what the Detroit Free Press called its “sealed medicating tent.”

Flash-forward to 2018: Pot has been legalized in nine states since, including California this year. You’d think this weekend’s Cannabis Cup in San Bernardino, Calif., would be a smokeout to remember.

It’s scheduled to begin Friday — 4/20, the high holiday for stoners — and High Times has estimated at least 20,000 will attend the event, to celebrate their drug’s newfound legitimacy as they sample gourmet weed, pet baby goats, get high on a Ferris wheel and see Rick Ross and Lil Wayne perform onstage.


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