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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Gallup: Drop in U.S. Catholic Church Attendance Under Pope Francis Sharpest in Decades

Catholic church attendance in the United States fell by six percent between the pontificates of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the sharpest drop in decades, a new Gallup poll has revealed.

An average of 39 percent of U.S. Catholics attended church weekly during the heart of the Francis papacy, from 2014 to 2017, Gallup found in a survey released April 9, which represents a significant drop from the 45 percent of Catholics who attended weekly Mass from 2005 to 2008, in the early years of the Benedict pontificate.



  1. No one respects a Pope that allowed the Argentinian government to throw priests and nuns out of helicopters.

  2. As a Parishioner of St. Francis de Sales in Salisbury I can see it happening here. It's no wonder when they give you a Libtard Priest by the name of Father Chris Lebarge. You saw the lies and issues you had with him over that Bullshit with Molly.

    Also I have looked at many Archdioceses around the nation and the norm is to support Sanctuary churches. How can the Church support criminals and support breaking the law. Yes the Catholic Church and many others are breaking the law.

  3. And what is bad about the Catholic Church in Salisbury it is run by Liberals.

    I've noticed the biggest liberal in that church is Susan Hargreaves Parker.

    It's funny how liberals, hate God and God in schools, are acting like that are religious these days.

    Ever since President Trump started pushing bring God back to everything in America the Libtards are acting like they have always been pro-church.

  4. Anonymous said...
    No one respects a Pope that allowed the Argentinian government to throw priests and nuns out of helicopters.

    April 21, 2018 at 10:00 PM

    That is sickening. Isn't Argentine where this Pope came from?

  5. I wish there was some way to impeach this Pope. He is not good for the Catholic Church.

  6. He needs to stay out if politics.

  7. 8:33 hit the nail on the head.


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