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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Former Governor Endorses Rushern Baker for Maryland Governor

Former Maryland governor Parris N. Glendening on Thursday endorsed Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III in his bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, citing Baker’s record on the environment.

“He understands that economic development and protecting the environment go hand in hand,” Glendening said in an interview. Baker unveiled an environmental plan Thursday that includes a committee chaired by Glendening and aimed at making Maryland the first state in the country to achieve 100 percent clean energy and zero waste.

Prince George’s, where Baker created a county-level environmental department, leads the state in recycling.

Glendening, a former county executive in Prince George’s, said Baker, who is leading in polls of the crowded Democratic primary race that also indicate a large number of voters undecided, is an “honest and ethical” leader who has handled his two terms in office well.

View Full Story From The Washington Post


  1. You have to wonder what Glendening is planning to get from this guy.

  2. Just what we need, another PG County politician running the state. That sucking sound you hear from PG County will get a lot louder if he's elected.

  3. Probably no more of a liberal than Hogan, real disappointment.

  4. Realist....Bob AswellApril 24, 2018 at 11:22 AM

    Please tell me 'where in Annapolis you find 'honesty and ethical' politicians?? You could put Christ himself in the Md. legislature and in six months he'd be just as common as the rest of the lot that are currently in charge. Nextly, should anyone believe Glendening on any topic? He's probably the biggest 'dud' Md. ever has seen as a Governor. If he's for anything then I'm against.
    People in this state would do well to realize when they cede rule to politicians from four counties of Md.,all in the metro area, its going to be a long four years of stupidity.
    The Dumbocrats don't want to admit this guy we have as Governor is trying to make a stab at draining this swamp and the two Mikes DON'T want it. Look at the mess they've made of the Md. Board of Ed. now farmed out to private interest so they can pour funds into the Balto. City schools while two out of five graduate. Think about what you're doing in the booth this time folks. Realist....Bob Aswell

  5. Years ago when casino gambling was making its way through Annapolis, Baker wanted no part of it and said PG county wanted no part of it. Then he did a 180. The largest/most profitable Casino is MD is on the banks of the Potomac (waving at VA) in which County? Prince Georges. Talk about "honest and ethical".

    Baker is a low life....I'll take my HOGAN every day!!!

  6. Glendenning's endorsement tells me all I need to know about this guy...another turd!

  7. I fodon know this person. But I lived in PG county 21 yrs and it is worse politically that Wicomico co.


  8. Parris 'Ditching My Wife While Governor' Glendening is for this character? All we need to know. Scoundrels hang with scoundrels.


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