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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Family Farmers Face Prison for Calling Skim Milk by Its Name

Forget narcotics. Uncle Sam has a new substance to crack down on: all-natural skim milk.

Food and Drug Administration regulations make it a federal crime for dairy farmers to call all-natural skim milk exactly what it is—skim milk. Instead, the FDA demands that farmers label additive-free skim milk as “imitation milk product,” because, in the FDA’s mind, skim milk just isn’t the real thing.

The FDA’s finicky rules are not going unchallenged, however. Attorneys with the Institute for Justice are challenging those rules on behalf of a dairy farmer, Randy Sowers, who wants to sell all-natural products and label them honestly, without the threat of fines or imprisonment.

Randy and Karen Sowers founded their South Mountain Creamery in Maryland on rented land back in 1981. They took out a loan and bought 100 cows. Today, three generations of Sowers work on their family’s 2,200 acre farm. They have more than 600 cattle, plus 16,000 chickens. Their family employs more than 75 people.



  1. Again, Government IS the Problem.

  2. Humans shouldn't be drinking cow's milk anyways. Think about it... what other species on this earth drinks milk after infancy AND milk that comes from another animal. If you need a milk-like substance for cereal or smoothies, etc, use almond milk.

    1. What other species is able to drink milk after infancy? what other species drinks almond milk?

    2. Do you eat meat?

    3. Almond milk is a bad bet. Too much fat, too much drain on water resources in California (from where 90% of it comes).

  3. The FDA IS a joke!! They allow poisioning us with additives on the food end. All for BIG FOOD corporation monsanto, etc. Then allow BIGPHARMA to string us out on drugs at the end that mostly cure nothing. But banned natural remedies foods and cures..

  4. This is a prime example of how ignorant government bureaucrats are about the real world.Combine that with just plain stupidity and you have a real mess.

  5. 6:34 My cat loves milk and I do too. You vegan whackos can have all the nut juice you want.

    1. Cats are lactose intolerant.

  6. 8:21,

    talk to any old farmer who milked cows back in the day and all the cats that would hang around waiting for a squirt.


  7. she said nut juice

  8. 6:26 then don't use any publicly provided services. Drive on your own roads, teach your own kids, don't ever go to a park or receive social security.

  9. 6:34 what other species has been to the moon? Harnessed the power of the sun? See how stupid your argument is?

  10. I'm a 2% guy myself.

  11. "Humans shouldn't be drinking cow's milk anyways. Think about it... what other species on this earth drinks milk after infancy AND milk that comes from another animal. If you need a milk-like substance for cereal or smoothies, etc, use almond milk. "

    What a loon!

    Did you know that Almonds contain cyanide?

    What an idiot!

  12. Just label the stuff for what it is, not what it isn't.

  13. Isn't it, "Skimmed milk"? That would describe it accurately.

    And, yes, the cow jumped over the moon way before Man ever did, LOL!

  14. I use to feed cats milk but
    have since learned , they should not
    have it. Check this out on line if
    you're uncertain of the comment.

  15. Oh, but illegals can commit a Federal crime by sneaking into the United States and that's ok? Leave them alone but climb all up and down our backs if we do something they do not like. This has got to stop. Arrest those who hire illegals. It's all their fault by giving those illegals the incentive to come here.


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