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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Democrats are getting desperate as Mueller stalls

It’s not just Hillary Clinton who can’t quit Russia. The whole Democratic Party keeps going back to 2016.

In a move that reeks of desperation, the DNC filed a civil suit Friday against President Trump’s campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks, alleging a vast (right wing!) conspiracy to tip the election to Trump.

The suit’s flamboyant charges made headlines, but that only served to obscure the real meaning. Namely, that top Dems are giving up their fantasies that special counsel Robert Mueller will deliver them from political purgatory by getting the goods on Trump.

The trashy suit is their way of trying to keep impeachment and Russia, Russia, Russia alive for the midterms in case Mueller’s probe comes up empty.

Truth be told, party leaders are right to be disheartened by setbacks in the War against Trump. For the second time, the president was told he is not a target of Mueller, this time by Rod Rosenstein, the deputy assistant attorney general who created Mueller.



  1. It's all about politics. Political games. Not about what's best for our country. But about their wanting to remain in power to force their agendas on all Americans.

  2. Let them go, they're just digging their hole deeper.

  3. Sorry folks., but Democrat politicians are despicable, evil and disparate as reflected in their methods to gain and maintain their power and heavy train. Prime example is Harry Reid who, after being raised in a trailer in dirt poor searchlight, NV, and who never held a real job in his life, is a millionaire. They flood the country with illegals knowing that they will vote for Democrats. They fight voter ID and restore the right to vote to felons for the same reason. In close elections they find boxes of “misplaced” votes that are all democrat ballots, some counties have more democrat voters than residents of the county. It is unbelievable to me that they get away with it. I find that there are two types of democrat voters. First being decent, hard working, good neighbor type who are mislead and manipulated by a liberal press and media ans second, Marxist socialist believers who wish to convert my country into a socialist paradise like Cuba or Venezuela . Then we have the problem of low information voters who have no clue what the issues are and no idea what the politician they vote for represents. Our founders expected intelligence and integrity in the voting public and it seems that in this era that does not exist.
    From an island off the coast of Washington, Salisbury and Snow Hill are always in my thoughts.

  4. Just imagine if Hillz had won and the Republicans complained of losing the election. Well the media wouldn't have covered it 24/7. The Democrats need to get over it and move on. Work together and get some things done.

  5. Democrats and work together! Yes, that will happen. They cannot even work with each other. They are a sad bunch and the blue wave is as elusive as an honest democrat. I do not want to wish time away. However, I cannot wait till the day after the election to stroll into work and see the sour faces - just like when Trump was elected. The morons came to work crying!! Loved it!! The memory keeps a smile on my face!


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