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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dear Starbucks, You Lost Me at Planned Parenthood

I am a Gold Card member of Starbucks. I love your products and have for many years, specifically the grande mocha with coconut milk, no whip, extra hot. That's my drink. I am two stars away from receiving a free drink on my Gold Card. I worked hard for that. It's not easy to earn your rewards and your coffee ain't cheap. But I almost have a free mocha out of it and I was looking forward to it.

Then I discovered that Starbucks is subsidizing Planned Parenthood, which has recently been caught on video tearing apart the bodies of fully formed human beings and selling off their organs to the highest bidder. So, not only does my tax money go to fund these inhuman butchers, but now my coffee money does, too.Not anymore. I don't usually support advertising boycotts because it hurts businesses that are just trying to market a product, but this time I can't wrap my head around why on earth Starbucks is giving money to Planned Parenthood. Don't you want more customers? Do you realize Planned Parenthood is killing off millions of potential Starbucks customers and selling them off for spare parts?



  1. It's far from that complex. SB in West OC permits you to place and order online from your phone. You arrive and your order is hot and waiting. Further North, there's a SB in Harris Teeter where they do not accept online orders. Every time I've been there, they have a large customers waiting. I don't want to wait so I go to McDonalds across the street (which I can oder online).

    They either need to find a way of responding faster or simply close up.

  2. I’m sure they’ll be devasted.

  3. What do you expect from a company that has a satanic symbol for a logo.

  4. Truth, what a concept...spot on.

  5. Starbucks only invests in " white spaces " you don't see them in Ghettos. Even the Dunkin Donuts in Ghettos are foreigner franchised owners and are counter plexiglassed like banks and Liquor stores and have no seating what so ever or public bathrooms. They are no better than Google or Facebook with their liberal promise of inclusion and proffering service you could do for yourself. How hard is it to make a cup of coffee ? Panera Bread is another big joke. They got all the cruiser wifi people that were in Barnes and Noble. Population control is not a bad thing. Just because you are alive,breathing and faithful it really gives you now right to exploit resources if you have no means of acquiring or providing means for your procreation.

  6. It really is time for the public to make deliberate decisions about its consumerism.
    People can express themselves politically through their purchases or lack thereof.
    It is time to do just that!

    Big powerful corporations have hijacked our society. Not just our political world. The whole of society.
    We the People need to speak to them loudly with our pocketbooks.


  7. They realize. Oh, yes. But since they're in thrall to the Democrat/Socialists that's a bigger priority. Wouldn't want to be out of step with the PC crowd.

    They've parted ways with the manager/scapegoat in Philly. Maybe we'll get details; maybe not. Probably had to sign a NDA like Stormy.

    Anyone who worked in a store or food service knows you must keep seats for arriving customers, especially from loitering. Bet you the fired manager was doing their best to follow company rules when this scenario unfolded. Others have commented that it looked like a set-up. If it was, their groveling corporate culture won't have the stones to protect their staff or their brand.

  8. Make your coffee at home! No fuss and you save so much money too!!!

  9. Yes but they are butchering McDonalds coffee drinkers to get new parts for Starbucks coffee drinkers.

  10. Yuck, bitter swill, idiots pay that crap, lol!

  11. Starbucks is made for people who are not sophisticated and worldly. THe lowly underclass to make they think they are so cosmopolitan. It can be best described as a place for losers who haven't any idea what real coffee is. People who don't get out of their own neighborhoods much or if at all. Starbucks has pulled the wool over so many's eyes' in that they promoted their brand to be the "in thing" and the unrefined fell for it. coffee connoisseurs and purists know it's horrid. So when you see people going there know for certain they are unsophisticated and backwards. But you have to give it to Starbucks. They saw a fool is born every minute and they pounced on the opportunity to have the unrefined lower class throw money at them.

  12. Starbucks executives and ownership have long been ultra liberal and far left in their thinking and deeds.

    Wouldn't it be interesting to find out the Russians have secret agents in the Starbucks organization and part of their master plan is to deplete the US population by way of funding Planned Parenthood

  13. SB is anti gun, never set foot in one.


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