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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Crowley Making Moves to Succeed Pelosi as Dem House Leader

Democratic lawmakers and aides say Rep. Joe Crowley’s (D., N.Y.) maneuvers to become the Democrats’ next House leader are no secret, despite his maintained stance that he has no such intention.

Nearly 30 Democratic lawmakers and aides interviewed by Politico generally agreed: Crowley is making moves to succeed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) in hopes of being the next speaker of the House. Crowley, who serves as the Democratic Caucus chairman, said he’s focused on Democrats winning the House and doesn't have plans to challenge Pelosi, but his travel schedule has been reminiscent of a party leader’s.

Some Democrats want him to go for it.

"I think Pelosi and Hoyer ought to take the message from [Paul] Ryan’s retirement and realize it’s time for this caucus to move on. And I think Crowley fits the bill to be our next leader," Rep. Filemon Vela (D., Texas) said.

Vela’s comments reflect a wider dissatisfaction with Pelosi, whose leadership has been called "toxic" to the party’s image. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D., N.J.) also gave Crowley an unsolicited endorsement in March, saying the House’s culture was changing and Democrats ought to "start fresh."



  1. But, but, but, Nancy is the perfect moron for the job! She single-handedly has caused a bunch of dumbocrats to either vote Republican - or not vote...We need her to stay!

  2. Hoyer needs so much teeth work that he can't afford to retire. Replacing Pelosi though will help raise the wages of the Speaker that a woman just was not able to do. Not good news though for Bernie or Joe who had hopes of a little whoopee time with Nancy while she remains in office.


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