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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Conservatives Want a House Speaker Who Will Deliver on Promised Reforms

Conservative lawmakers say they want the next speaker of the House to be committed to issues Republicans ran on, and to making important procedural reforms.

“More important than who the speaker is next year is what Republicans do this year,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told The Daily Signal.

“And if we don’t get focused on and stay focused on what the American people elected us to do,” Jordan said, “then there’s not going to be a race for a Republican speaker. It will be a race for who is the minority leader. So that is what we have to be focused on.”

Jordan and two other House conservatives spoke recently with The Daily Signal about what they want to see in House Speaker Paul Ryan’s successor. The lawmakers and two GOP aides emphasized following through on issues Republicans campaigned on in 2016 and earlier, including repealing Obamacare, fixing the immigration system and building a border wall, and reforming welfare programs.



  1. That sure ain't Paul Ryan.


  2. Voters want Representatives who will keep campaign promises, balance the budget, honor and protect the Constitution while draining the swamp. That would be a good start.


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