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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick

When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families. Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.

According to a survey by the West Health Institute and NORC at the University of Chicago, 47 percent of respondents said within the past 12 months they chose not to see a doctor or dentist because of the high cost of health care. Four-in-10 said they elected not to pursue a recommended medical treatment or test.



  1. I canceled it years ago after having insurance since I was 19. Its much cheaper to buy meds off the street and hope for the best.. my buddy goes to Mexico once every two years and sees a doctor for routine physical and blood work. Makes it a mini vacation. Unfortunately I was force to sell my business 2 years ago. Tax hikes made it unaffordable. President Trump is trying to make it better but DEMOCRATS HATE EVERYONE.

  2. Obamacare has killed more people than the black plague.

  3. That would be The Unaffordable Care Act, thank you.

  4. Dont thank me, help the Republicans that sabotaged the program in order to force it to fail. At the expense of whom you ask? Well at the expense of Americans of course.

  5. 850
    You're not welcome.

  6. 8:50 PM Clueless. It imploded on its own, because it was never intended to succeed. The Republicans had nothing to do with the double digit premium increases and the quadruple digit deductible increases.

    And this is the first honest factual article I have read on the topic in a long time.

  7. The people that had no other choice in health care but to go to obamacare were not the smartest bunch to begin with.

  8. Yeah... that’s it... you’re right 8:50. The Rinos sabotaged it by not voting for it. All of them. Fool.
    Obama sabotaged America with this crap.
    That’s ok. I figured it out. This Government has stolen thousands from me and redistributed it elsewhere. Not any more.
    I fixed it, and am getting every penny back.

  9. 10:19 PM WHAT ? can you repeat that in English? Where did you expect them to get their insurance from when employers dumped it and left you to flounder on your own?

    My idiot uneducated on the subject employer actually said he didn't need to provide it because the government did. (But legally he was supposed to based on the employee count). AND instead of pointing employees to the Marketplace he told them to call his buddy at the Insurance Market in Delaware, which of course cost more because they did not participate in the Marketplace.

    It wasn't just the government screwing you, many greedy uneducated employers did too.

  10. I have health insurance, and I also avoid going to the doctor because I can't afford the co pay or the deductible.

  11. i love obama care pay 16 bucks a month with 10 dollar co pay


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