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Monday, April 23, 2018

Collins: Comey Shouldn't Be Cashing In On Book Amidst Russia Investigation

Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine) attacked former FBI Director James Comey for the timing of his new book on Sunday, saying she couldn't imagine why he'd try to "cash in" in the midst of the Russia investigation.

Comey has been promoting A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership this month, which includes recounting his interactions with President Donald Trump before being fired last year and his handling of the Hillary Clinton of the email investigation.

"What do you make of James Comey … What advice you would give a future FBI director?" "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd asked Collins.

"Well, if I were advising a future FBI Director I would say two things. One, always follow the Department of Justice's protocol and guidelines, which unfortunately James Comey did not do in the Hillary Clinton investigation," Collins said.


1 comment:

  1. I thought there was a law forbidding criminals from profiting from their crimes by writing books, or doing movie deals.


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