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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Calif. Gov. Brown Wants to Ensure 'Every Californian Is Counted' for 2020 Census

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) is voicing opposition to the Trump administration's decision to include a citizenship status question on the 2020 federal census, and he is not taking any chances the census might result in his state losing billions in federal funding or decrease its congressional representation.

Brown signed an executive order Friday creating a 25 member commission to guide outreach efforts in preparation for the 2020 census, according to The Los Angeles Times. The governor's announcement comes as the Trump administration plans to move forward with its plan to include a citizenship status question on the federal census questionnaire.

The commission will outline engagement and outreach strategies, including multi-language advertising campaigns, to ensure as many Californians as possible, regardless of citizenship, participate in the decennial count. Brown's commission includes experts from the fields of media relations, civic engagement, LGBTQ advocacy, and business, amongst others.

"It is vitally important for California to do everything it can to ensure that every Californian is counted in the upcoming census," Brown said.



  1. The problem, dummycrats think illegals are Californians.

  2. Notice that he didn't say the words "legal Californians"! He wants the illegals counted so they can get more representatives from this $4!th0l3 state in DC.
    Ask the citizenship question - then deport those that are not here legally!

  3. Damn right he does, The more illegals the more seats in Congress .

  4. Democrats register dead voters, why not dead citizens, illegals, tourists, invisible friends.

  5. Of course he does.
    THAT is the ONLY reason he's pushing for sanctuary state/city status. ****VOTES****
    Counting all people as citizens gives California more power in Washington: more Representatives, more Electoral College votes, more money coming back to the Granola State.
    He doesn't give a rats ass about the people; only the power those people bring.
    btw...fruits, nuts and flakes = granola


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