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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Border Union Prez Calls for Massive Detention Center at the Border

Building a massive detention facility at the border to hold illegal aliens until their court cases has been proven to stop them from even trying to break into the U.S., the president of the border agents' union told CNSNews.com in an exclusive interview.

Brandon Judd, who heads the National Border Patrol Council, says he's certain that building a massive holding facility at the border would stop illegal immigration - because it's a "tried and proven technique" he's seen work in the past when a "mass of Brazilians" were storming the U.S. southwest border:

CNSNews.com: “Do you think it would help to create some type of massive holding facility at the border to simply hold those claiming credible fear until they can be vetted and adjudicated since so many of them end up getting released into the united states and never show up for court?”

Brandon Judd: “I know it would. And, the reason why I say I know it would is because it’s already been a tried and proven technique.

“Back in the early 2,000s, late 90’s, early 2,000’s, early in my career, we saw a mass of Brazilians that were coming across the border and we were doing the exact same thing, catch and release, which then just encouraged a lot more.

“Once we started holding the Brazilians, it just completely and totally dried up – they didn’t cross anymore..."



  1. And no AC, TV, workout equipment,etc.

  2. Use the tents the military no longer uses or wants.

  3. like every other country in the world does !

  4. Slop for food too.

  5. Load them all up on a plane and fly them right back where they all came from then tell them all to try it again

  6. 10:37 Yes, let's also move to release the sex offenders into their country. Freedom for all felons, provided you never come back to the USA.


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