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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Biden: Republicans ‘Don’t Want Black Folks Voting’

Sunday on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” former Vice President Joe Biden told host Al Sharpton that Republicans didn’t want African-Americans voting.

Partial transcript as follows:

SHARPTON: "Let me ask you about voting rights. That was another thing the Obama-Biden administration was heavy on under attorney general well as Lynch going in with lawsuits against voter ID and doing in to deal with voter suppression. They have said that foreigners are voting."

BIDEN: "It’s a lie. It’s a flat lie. The assertion the president made from the beginning is a flat lie. Every study, every program -every commission that looked at it said it’s simply not true. It’s part of the big lie. You realize just in past year, in 24 states, the administration’s allies have introduced 60 pieces of legislation, or maybe 70 pieces of legislation, to curtail the franchise. It’s what these guys are all about, man. These Republicans don’t want working-class people voting. They don’t want black folks voting.. "

More 'Joe' here..


  1. And Democrats what blacks to have 2 votes! The want dead people to vote, they want illegals to vote, 16 year olds to vote, foreign tourists to vote, Pets, Farm Animals, birds, bugs...

  2. Just what Sharpton wanted to hear. They make a nice pair of bookends.

  3. OK Uncle Joe. Whatever you say. I am fine with everyone but democrats voting!

  4. Apparently he is living in the same land of delusion that Hillary is. There was actually a woman CONVICTED of illegal voting in Virginia.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 16, 2018 at 1:12 PM

    Aah, what a joke! Two biggest Slineballs appearing on MSNBC pretending to be honorable and high morale "leaders" for made up "interview"? And blabbing non-sense to into cameras for those who are missinformed and don't know any better. If their lips are moving, you know they lie, the real gems in MSNBC line of deceivers, crocks and criminals. FBI should be doing interview with Sharpton about his Tax Evasion, and with Biden about Innapropriate Touching of Children.

  6. Whatever will they do without the race card?

    1. Its ALL the democrats have is the race card. Its funny to hear this local moron O'Hare play or trying to be of any inkling of political relevance. Then talking out of the side of his face sucks up and attempts to use ALL his white privilege befriending Jake day and trying to ride daddy Day and his perdue farms influence

  7. Just ask Diamond & Silk you stupid former vice president.

  8. Anonymous said...
    And Democrats what blacks to have 2 votes! The want dead people to vote, they want illegals to vote, 16 year olds to vote, foreign tourists to vote, Pets, Farm Animals, birds, bugs...

    April 16, 2018 at 12:13 PM

    Can you please rewrite this so we know WTH you are trying to say??

    1. It's clear as day what he's trying to say. Maybe you need to go back to school if you don't understand it

  9. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

    And that is Joe Biden's racist views on blacks in America. He hasn't changed, he's just following the desperate Democrat Party and towing their line.


  10. Crazy Uncle Joe must have wandered away from his nurse, again.

    Sharpton is an idiot and charlatan so he makes up history to fit his narrative.

    But Slow Joe, who was expelled from law school for plagiarism, must have slept through the discussion of a Republican president (Lincoln) freeing the slaves, and Democrats founding and belonging to the KKK.

  11. 1:44, I completely understand what 12:14 is saying and it was said very well. Plus, I agree 100% with the description of the turds 12:14 refers to.
    Maybe if you don't understand (more likely don't agree), you shall keep your insult's to yourself.

  12. Biden is a crook. He has ties to the mob. If he were of any relevance it would all come out. If he could stop kissing black butts for a minute he might learn something.


  13. Let's have just a bit of sympathy for Dr. Jill Biden. For decades he was off in DC and riding Amtrak back and forth, or being Obama's lapdog, and could jockey for TV cameras.

    Now the old codger's out of work and underfoot, and his sole skills are running his mouth and getting handy; even in a big beach home he's too close for comfort. She's probably booking his schedule and driving him to the bus stop.

  14. You can always tell when it's an election year the Democrat whip up paranoia and hatred between blacks and whites.


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