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Saturday, April 07, 2018

At Last — A Military Religious Liberty Win

"Colonel Bohannon had the right to exercise his sincerely held religious beliefs and did not unlawfully discriminate."

A win for religious liberty in the military is not something we hear much of these days, but alas, miracles occasionally do happen. Leland Bohannon is a colonel in the Air Force who was unfairly denied the rank of one-star general last year. A longtime friend of hisexplains in a blog post the events that led to “Bo’s” being denied a promotion:

Last May, Bo declined to sign a spouse appreciation certificate for a retiring master sergeant’s same-sex spouse, claiming he could not in all good conscience do it. As a committed Christian, he does not believe in same-sex marriage. Instead, he asked a superior officer to sign the certificate and that superior officer did. Case closed. Except it wasn’t. The retiring master sergeant took offense at Bo’s actions and filed an Equal Opportunity discrimination complaint. Even though Bo had sought every opportunity and used every proper channel to create a solution for all parties, it wasn’t good enough and when the Equal Opportunity investigators ruled against Bo, he was relieved of command and his promotion halted.



  1. It's about time!

  2. Because these people CANNOT let ANYTHING go.

    If you are not all-out committed to smiling and cheering for every whack behavior they demonstrate, they will twist their dress into knots trying to ruin careers and lives. What was wrong with gay-boy saying "Okay sarge, no problem. I understand and I'm happy you found someone to sign my thought-police document"?????
    Just like the OTHER cross-dressing sissies who see a Cross 4 miles away on a distant mountain and begin to shrivel up in fear and loathing, they believe they MUST use any means available to show how offended they are...
    Some things ARE strange, deviant, perverted, and unusually aberrant. Quit trying to convince us they aren't.
    It ain't working. It's just pissing us off.
    The sky ain't a rainbow and it ain't green. No matter how much you say it is....

  3. Everyone seems to be missing the point.

    Christians want to have a special pass... permission to not follow the rules, to have special privileges the rest of the world is not afforded... and then wrap it up in some false "conscience" argument.

    A violation of the "conscience" would be forcing them to get gay married.

    Part of this officers job is to sign these documents. These folks were legally married. His commanding officer is also at fault here for allowing him to shun his duties.

    Like it or not Christians... we all have freedom of religion, meaning you get to exercise your freedom to not get gay married if your religion says not to. This in no way shape or form allows you do discriminate or oppress other people and then use your religion as an excuse. You don't get to impose your religion on everyone else.

    What is so hard to get about that? If part of your job duties are not in line with your religion... then exercise your religious freedom and find a job that does.

  4. @ 8:35 Imclain

    Ahh.. as per usual... ad hominems and strawmen. You really are very predictable.

    You see, Imcalin, the way it works is that if YOU want to label something as "strange, deviant, perverted, or unusually aberrant"... then the burden of proof rests with you to prove those claims. It's is a logical fallacy to demand that anyone convince you otherwise.

    For ease of understanding, asking anyone to "Quit trying to convince us they aren't" is not an argument, but logically invalid.

    Ironically, it has all ready been argued in the courts and has been found wanting.. that is why same sex marriage IS legal, and that discrimination against homosexuals is illegal. So, as it were, the burden of proof rests with you to defend your accusations.


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