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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Arizona residents will soon need 'travel ID' to board planes

Put it on the packing list.

The Arizona Department of Transportation has announced that state residents will require a new form of identification to pass through Transportation Security Administration screeners in the near future.

As of Oct. 1, 2020, Grand Canyon state residents traveling out of Phoenix Sky Harbor International, Phoenix Mesa-Gateway, Flagstaff, Tucson International and Yuma International airports will need to carry "Voluntary Travel IDs” or be grounded, AZ Family is reporting.

The new ID will also be requisite to access restricted federal buildings and military bases, as standard credentials will no longer suffice.



  1. Let me guess, because States are handing out driver's licenses to anyone who can grunt making them a totally useless form of ID?

  2. Soon we will be living in a communist country ....WERE ARE YOUR PAPERS.

  3. Are we living In a commie state?

  4. 6:48 and 7:08 Just remember though, it is all for the kids!!! When you all gave up your rights over some bs talking points and heart stings being pulled... Also remember you all wanted this, becasue you all let it happen, and hell wanted it to happen, becasue it would so called make your life easier... Or the typical if you have nothing to hide what is the problem!!!!

    You get what you deserve!!!! So honestly if you are not a staunch advocate against it, if you don't voice your concerns or stand up and help fight it in some way; anyway, then you are the problem, and in some form you helped cause this...

    I may not have funds like everyone else, I may not be popular on youtube or a blog or whatever, but at least I do my part, try to do my part, by letting you know what is going to happen with this kind of technology, even though you all thing no bad can come of it, evil always uses good things for bad!!!! SO keep on being lazy and stupid and uneducated on these kinds of matters, continue to think it will never affect you, until it does, and I promise you it will!!!!

  5. We have translators in the DMV in Salisbury everyday helping illegals that can't read take to the roads to kill our children.

  6. 7:08 Even a parrot can use the correct words. Where not were!

  7. I see this as another revenue generator on the horizon for MD!!! Hell if Ricky could mandate it for OC vacationers, he'd do it!!!

  8. and yet you can vote without needing ID. hmmmm.

  9. Governmentspeak.

    "Voluntary" travel ID's.
    Volunteer or don't fly.
    Which WILL require you to provide MORE info and PAY more money.
    The train taking the Jews to the gas chambers was voluntary, too.
    Volunteer or get killed.
    WE are getting to that point --real fast -- so you better be ready.
    Buy guns and ammo and don't think someone else gets to tell you whether or not it's okay with them if you do.
    We're going to get to those Nazi's first.
    There will be a LOT of volunteers for THAT job, believe it.

    1. Blah blah easy snowflake your going to melt.

  10. 12:28 Are you really that dumb? The id is for people that have not received the newer DL which complies with the ID law. MD licenses comply with the ID law.

  11. Maryland ID complies, oh and yes we live in a Commie state.

  12. They're going to enlarge the overhead bins also, to accommodate a carry on illegal.


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