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Saturday, April 14, 2018

5 Times the Media Didn't Ask if Obama Would Resign

Make no mistake about it, the media has already decided that President Trump is guilty. They don’t know what he’s guilty of yet, and frankly, they don’t even care. Earlier this week, April Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, “With all of this turmoil, particularly last week, has the president at any time thought about stepping down before or now?” Sanders called the question ridiculous, but Ryan insisted, “It's not a ridiculous question.”

Of course it was ridiculous. The media has been salivating over any damaging story that will embarrass Trump or somehow result in impeachment. But, where were the wolves in the media during the Obama presidency? Clearly, they were hibernating. During Obama’s presidency, whenever he was caught up in scandal they made excuses or chose not to cover the story. They never asked if Obama would resign as a result.



  1. Obama was a BLACK diversity abuser. You can call it a lot of other things but he SPREAD the friction between blacks and whites. Still does.

  2. George Soros and Obama is behind all this BS. Soros is not able to control the US through the "shadow government" and Obama cannot allow the truth about his Presidency to come out for the public to see that he pulled the biggest scam in US history

  3. And the MSM still is quiet about Hillary, who remains just as guilty of her crimes as ever.

  4. The Media wasn't sure if this Keyon Muslim understood English.

  5. These are not the droids you are looking for. Move along. Go about your business.
    The Force only works on the weak-minded.


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