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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Who's Worse, Kids Or Parents?

This morning we published a true story about a student at Pittsville Middle School student making a threat to shoot up the school today.

Once the school learned of this threat the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office immediately investigated the threat and went to the students home. The student has been disciplined and was NOT allowed to attend school today.

That being said, parents decided, (through rumors) to get on Facebook and Twitter to say there was a student with a gun in Pittsville Middle School, which was NOT TRUE. 

You have to wonder who's worse, the parents or the student. I have confirmed through the BOE that the student never made it to school today. Now mind you, it took until enough Parents calling the BOE before they decided to contact me with the confirmation.

All that being said, let's THINK about what we have ALL participated in today. Should I, as a major news source, keep something like this quiet? What if something were to happen and I was waiting around to get a confirmation??? As I had expressed to my contact at the BOE, we'd usually get the first tip on situations like this and I would call the BOE to get a confirmation and I was told they'd get back to me. Then I'd read on the Daily Times the confirmation on a story the Daily Times had not been tipped off on. 

At this time I can say I now have what I believe, (after the story this morning) to be a reliable contact at the BOE. Unfortunately we have the same problem with the Salisbury Police Department and the Sheriff's Office. 

So to my readers, know that what we published was in fact true. When we REPUBLISHED something that had been placed on another social media site, it proved to not be true, hence this current article. 

Finally, it sure would have been nice to have received a press release, (LAST NIGHT) from the WCSO and the BOE AHEAD of what has now been proven to be another Social Media Panic. They were very aware of the situation and since social media has been around for over a decade one would think they could be more PROACTIVE on situations like this, especially after what happened recently in Florida. 


  1. So Are you telling us that a kid like that that makes threats like that should be allowed back in school ? He should be BANNED.

  2. what confuses me is the poster in original blog post that stated his ex wife went to pick up their kids and saw him with Mike Lewis handcuffed. Covering butts or true???

  3. Joe
    I just delivered 5 lbs of pizza dough to SPD she is on High Alert.lol

  4. Again if the schools wpuld be transparent they would squash any rumors.
    We need a daily briefing about these schools. I'm not kidding.

  5. Exactly so I guess this person made all that up about him being handcuffed in the office with Mike Lewis

  6. Maybe to those organizations you are not considered a major news source???? I consider you a source for news.....just not a major source. Same as I feel about Lower Eastern Shore News. I consider TV stations as major news sources, although our local stations are not always timely! Just my opinion....

  7. Why would they allow this punk back in school ? He needs to be Expelled then the so called parents can give it all the Special attention it needs ?

  8. They don't tell you because they don't like you or what you are doing/have done, and will sacrifice public safety rather than use a popular platform to get their message across.

  9. WBOC was there live reporting it ? LOL only kidding too busy in Delaware worrying about Roads SMH.

  10. @superstardebater I just had this debate with someone here.

  11. Local media is deplorable. Thanks for what you do Joe!


  12. When I went to the school I was told by the principal that the boy and his parents were in the office of the school. So yes he did make it to school today .

  13. Apparently his parents know someone, someone elses child would be expelled and/or charged. He just learned in life that he can get away w/ shh and he ll continue to push the boundaries until he does serious harm. The woman speaking on behalf of the board during the interview looked like she didnt even believe what she was saying.


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