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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Watch: Chicago Students Trash Walmart During National Walkout Protest

The left wants this generation of students to control the anti-gun narrative

Around fifty Chicago high school students were caught on video running through a Walmart and tearing the place to pieces during the recent national school walkout protests.


  1. Striving to be better citizens than students. Good luck America, build bigger prisons.

  2. So they want guns banned so they can go on crime sprees without fear of being shot.

  3. Animals doing what they know how to do best!

  4. Little bastard's are what we have made them, disrespectful entitled SOBs

  5. Typical for that bunch of thugs in Chicago. They along with most of kids in the walk out didn’t know why they were in the walk out. The indoctrination of our children.

  6. I don't even have to watch the video to know what color the thugs were, am I right?

  7. Good luck America,your gonna need it.

  8. And they wonder why large food chain stores don't want to build a store near ghettos.

    Between the hood rats and the store workers the inventory would be gone in a matter of hours.


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