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Friday, March 02, 2018

Trump Wants Joe Manchin's Gun Control, Rejects Steve Scalise's National Reciprocity Push

President Donald Trump embraced Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) gun control bill but rejected Rep. Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) push for national reciprocity during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers Wednesday afternoon.

After listening to Sen Chris Murphy (D-CT), Trump looked at toward the end of the table and asked Sens. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) to detail their gun control bill.

The Manchin/Toomey gun control bill is the same universal background check legislation supported by Barack Obama in the wake of the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School. It the very bill that was defeated in the Democrat-controlled Senate on April 17, 2013.



  1. Dear mr president we belive in you, we voted fot you, we support you aginst all the fake news and we are the ones that have your back. So what ever you do don't go RINO on us.

  2. Someone needs to wake him up to the fact that he's getting this one completely backwards from what his voters want!

  3. 4:45 my thought exactly because if he goes Rino the democrats will take over the whole country.And of course the Democrats want us to look like Sweden.

  4. If your not a member join now THE NRA now!! IS OUR ONLY TRUE VOICE and it means we are armed and ready to defend this nation from Enemies foreign or domestic. It is the miltia of the constitution

  5. If your not a member join now THE NRA now!! IS OUR ONLY TRUE VOICE and it means we are armed and ready to defend this nation from Enemies foreign or domestic. It is the miltia of the constitution

  6. And who did the president meet with last night. sit tight and breath. we shall see what comes of all this. we should be focusing on the Sherriff from Broward County

  7. I'm going to hold out on this judgement 4:45. We know how this president has gotten where he is due to negotiating. I'll just hope he comes back stronger for us afterwards. Nothing is a surprise with The Donald. Every thought he has leads to a good action. Let's hope he is playing the system and one day knock on our door with a nice weapon for all.Lol

  8. Sounds more like Hogan say one thing for election then turns like McCain Graham and a Democrat. Appears to be a typical Politian and not the Trump we voted for.

  9. 7:54 Democrats will be back in the whitehouse again Look at history. It shifts every 4-8 years.


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