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Monday, March 19, 2018

Trump Raps Comey For Lying Under Oath

President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that former FBI Director James Comey “clearly” lied under oath in his testimony before Congress in 2017.

“Wow, watch Comey lie under oath to Senator G,” he tweeted Sunday morning, “When asked ‘have you ever been an anonymous source … or known someone else to be an anonymous source…?’ He said strongly ‘never, no.’ He lied.”

Indeed, it does appear that Comey may have misrepresented the truth during his congressional testimony in 2017. The following is an excerpt from his questioning before Congress:



  1. How come Comey gets a free pass, but General Flynn doesn't??

  2. I am going to the other article but first, I noticed a phrase that describes PC culture to a tee:

    Indeed, it does appear that Comey may have misrepresented the truth during his congressional testimony in 2017.

    Misrepresented the truth?! All my life that was what we called, lying!

  3. Charge Comey , He is Hillary's Homey !!!


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