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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Trump Creates Prison Reform Council

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to create a new, interagency federal council to report on federal prison reentry policy, continuing the administration's ongoing focus on prison reform.

The Federal Interagency Council on Crime Prevention and Improving Reentry will bring together representatives from 11 executive departments and offices, ranging the Department of the Education to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The representatives appointed to the council will be responsible for producing recommendations for evidence-based reforms to improve federal support for programs which cut offending and recidivating.

Those programs include both pre-offense programs—including support for mental and behavioral health services—and access to resources for inmates to help them reintegrate with society once their time is served. Those resources would include better access to education, mentorship, substance abuse treatment, and mental and behavioral health treatment.

More here


  1. Wise move ! He may soon find himself there.

    1. 315 he will not be president lol

  2. It all starts with the parents on the day the child is born.Lack of a stable home and a good education is the problem.


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