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Monday, March 12, 2018

Trump Blasts Pennsylvania Supreme Court

President Donald Trump renewed calls for the U.S. Supreme Court’s intervention Saturday after Pennsylvania’s highest judicial tribunal struck down the state’s congressional district map, finding it was unlawfully tailored to benefit Republicans.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania imposed a new statewide district map for the November 2018 elections, prompting GOP leaders to appeal to the high court with the president’s support.

“They’re doing a number with the congressional districts in your state,” Trump told a friendly audience in Pittsburg, Pa., Saturday night. “And hopefully the Supreme Court will take that case because this is horrible what they’ve done.”



  1. The only fair and equitable method is a grid system checked by population. Any other method is a cheat.

  2. By allowing the democrats to cheat by adding in illegals what do you expect!!


  3. Gerrymandering is wrong. It amounts to cheating the citizens of the state, or other government unit (city, county, etc).

    But when done by the legislature it has been created by a lawfully elected body empowered to draw the lines.

    Not so with judges (and in PA they are elected at long intervals) who are charged with finding laws to be lawful or not but are not empowered to usurp the legislative authority.

    William Penn weeps.

  4. Lets get rid of the Judges, the Courts the media, and everyone else that disagrees, and we can be just like Egypt, Turkey and Philippines


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