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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Total Witch Hunt" - Trump Slams Mueller's Bias As Probe Pivots To Obstruction

Update: After going one whole day without tweeting (an increasingly rare phenomenon), President Donald Trump broke his silence to exhort his followers to check out Sean Hannity on Fox and Friends...

...Unsurprisingly, Hannity appeared on Trump's favorite show to argue that the only evidence of collusion was between Hillary Clinton and the US.



  1. Better FIRE him Before he Sets Trump Up .....He is a Leftover like the rest ....after Trump from the start !!!

  2. Fire him and get it over with.Keep up the hate directed at Russia and Putin and expect retaliation.

  3. Trump. though I support him, shouldn't be too buddy buddy with the press.
    Remember Obama's aides and their ties to the press?


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