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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Top Democrat Shared Stage With Farrakhan

The third-highest ranking House Democrat shared a stage with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite, and has refused to condemn the hate group leader.

South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn attended a 2011 event with Farrakhan and shared the stage with him, even after Jewish groups voiced their opposition to Clyburn attending the event. Clyburn told the Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, that he was “not bothered in the least bit” by criticisms of his attendance at the event.

As the assistant Democratic leader, Clyburn is the third-highest ranked Democrat in the House. He declined to condemn Farrakhan in a statement released to The Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.

“I have fought all my life to advance the cause of social justice and equality, and I have always opposed bigotry in all its forms,” Clyburn said in the statement. His office declined repeated inquiries regarding whether the congressman is willing to condemn Farrakhan, and whether he stood by his decision in 2011 to shrug off criticisms of Farrakhan.



  1. All these Damn Racists Politicians need to be Thrown out of
    Congress & the Country !!! Where is the Law on these Jerks?

    Why has not, the other groups ( Skin Heads , KKK , Bikers ,
    Nazis , ) Knocked off this Evil Farrakhan & his Hate Mongers
    by now......should have been Done Along time ago !!!! Fact

    Can't believe they tolerate his smart mouth as they have !!!

  2. Expel them ALL from congress !!!

  3. Let ICE round them all up & Deport them !!!!!

  4. Even in Prison , these Hate groups ie Nation of Islam /
    Sunni / Moorish Science are allowed to do as they please,
    and dictate to the prison all their demands , incl even
    telling the guards ....."Hands Off" you can't monitor the
    Hate meetings they are allowed to have, even as they Preach
    Hate. They can't be Cancelled (they call it Religion ) !!!

    Some Corrections , in the Md Div of Correction (DOC) !!!

    How do you think they will behave when they get out ???


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