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Monday, March 05, 2018

The three minute prayer that can change your life

Every year millions of people around the world observe Lent, a 40-day period of reflection and fasting that lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Many people approach this occasion with the best of intentions—to slow down, be more patient, and pray. But in our busy, fast-paced world, taking our foot off the gas and finding time to pray can often be difficult.

As an editor of books by such authors as Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, and as the author of “Life Everlasting: Catholic Devotions and Mysteries for the Everday Seeker,” I sometimes find it hard to pray, too. But some years back, a friend of mine turned me on to a 400-year-old spiritual exercise that has revolutionized my life, ultimately helping me feel less anxious and stressed. It’s called the examen, a Christian mindfulness tool developed by 16th century mystic St. Ignatius of Loyola. Its objective is to bring us closer to God. It’s a perfect exercise not just for people preparing for Easter, but for all who believe in God and need a little help shifting focus.

The examen is a series of short reflections and questions that asks us, first, what is drawing us near God and, sec­ond, what is drawing us away from God. What fears and worries are blocking us from seeing and feeling God in our lives? Ignatius believed that it is often easy for us to overlook God in our actions and thoughts. He also believed that it was important not only to pay attention to what was going on inside the head, but even more so to pay atten­tion to what was going on inside the heart..



  1. Three minutes of deep breathing or just holding your breath may proffer the same delusion with out all that reading.

  2. The author describes Loyola's focus fairly well. Loyola was a crypto-Jew, a Monaro, and a Freemason.
    He was not a Christian and did not focus any of his beliefs on Jesus Christ.

    There is 1 prayer given to us by Jesus Christ. The Lord's Prayer.

    Why try to improve upon what Jesus Christ gave to us?

  3. I need a linkable link. I'd like to read this one and abide by it. It's the beginning of Spring, revealing in seeing the new life springing from the ground and increased sunshine and open brotherhood everywhere. Why not celebrate with a few lessons in Humanity?

    Lettuce know where to find this article, Joe!

  4. 1019
    Are you trying to worship Pan?

    That stuff is Satanic!


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